Friday, October 11, 2013


We got our air soft gun repaired and immediately took it to the back yard for some target shooting.

I know kids use these type of guns to shoot at each other and I have seen many YouTube videos of kids with red welts where the plastic bullet had hit.  I was curious, how much does it really hurt?  I handed Cari the gun and I started across the yard.  I told her to shoot me in the back.

She didn't sound too excited about it but she stood with the gun while I paced off some distance.   I held my hands behind my neck in case she missed.  I had just finished watching her shoot a paper target and I wasn't really sure where this shot would hit me.

She asked if I was sure and I told her I was.   I heard the pop of the gun and then an immediate sharp sting on my lower back.  I jumped at the impact and screamed, "OMG! YOU SHOT ME!"

She defended herself by saying that I had asked her to do it.  That I, had in fact, placed the gun in her hand.   It didn't matter, I had a small welt on my back where my wife fired a plastic BB.

Maybe we aren't mature enough for this toy yet.

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