Monday, July 31, 2006

Get over here, boy!

Went to church yesterday morning. Just like every other Sunday. Everything was normal
until we headed into the sanctuary. I think the cleaning lady left some kind of chemical residue. Things weren't all normal in there.

There was a couple sitting in the pew we normally sit in. Well, this REALLY upset Cari. Cari seems to think there is assigned seating in God's house. I'm not really sure how God feels about Cari cussing people that sat in "her" seat. That topic will have to wait for another day.

So, after we got seated in the pew one row up, Randy decided he wanted to sit alone in the pew one more up. I allowed him. He said he wanted to be closer for the childrens lesson. As I was getting my self situated, the organ started to play. That's the indication it is time for everyone to quiet down and get ready for church to start. Otherwise known as, "quiet meditation".

As I look over toward the organ my eyes opened ten times larger than normal. The boy, that is, MY boy, was standing up front next to the organist! What in the. . .

He was smiling. He was smiling a huge smile toward Cari and I. Cari motioned for him to come sit down. With his index finger out and pointed toward the keys, he pushed a button. He was so proud. Cari again motioned for him to sit next to her, now with more urgency. I whispered to her, "No. Now he is sitting next to me."

Not that she couldn't handle him, but that after what I just witnessed, I felt he needed some time next to his father. When he got to me, I asked him if he forgot how to behave in church. He didn't answer.

After church I asked our friend, Bill, if he saw what Randy did. He kinda laughed and then asked Randy, "What were you thinking, boy?"

Still full of pride, Randy just smiled.


Tammy said...

Oh BOY!!!! The mischeviousness of boys.

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

That is so funny. I can COMPLETELY imagine Jerred doing something like that (my youngest son). I'd like to think God has a sense of humor. Otherwise why create humans in the first place?

Michelle said...

sounds like a future pastor to me.