Saturday, July 01, 2006


Whew. Work has kept me away from the blog for a few days, but here I am tonight. I also started work on my next video tonight. That should be coming soon. Now on to the story. . .

"I'm unstoppable!", he yelled from the doorway. 'HE' is a new breed of super hero. 'HE' is brave for yelling in the house when mom is home. 'HE' is Randy.

The picture tells this story. He is part Incredible Hulk and part Spider Man. Imagine the possiblities (he did).
Not only can he disable you with his web, he can then approach you and pound you into the ground.

I really think the boy is onto something with this.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Definately an interesting combo. Zak combines Spiderman and Superman. At least they are super heroes instead of super villians!!!