Thursday, July 06, 2006

Out of Order: the conclusion

The other day I wrote about feeding the kids dessert first, followed by a healthy dinner.

I attempted to make it work. I even took photo evidence of it in action while Cari was at the store. That's a key point. Cari was at the store. Do you think I would have tried to implement this while Cari was here? She is a mom. She isn't going to allow anyone to eat ice cream before green beans.

Before I even sat down to write the blog, she knew. My children seemed to love eating ice cream first. They also seem to like watching me suffer.

Cari came home from the store not long after we finished dessert. The kids came running down the stairs screaming, "Dad gave us dessert before dinner!!!!"

Cari slowly turned to look at me. She didn't say it out loud, but her look was asking if the kids were telling the truth. I didn't answer. Randy gave her a hug and said, "mom, it's really true." Then Meredith piped up, "Mom, I didn't even want to eat it. Dad made me."

That's when I had enough. "Dad made you eat ice cream?", I asked. "I hardly remember you begging for vegetables.", I told Meredith.

Randy begged Cari to ground me from the television for my outrageous behavior.

I learned my lesson that day. I learned first of all that feeding dessert first didn't seem to help much.

I also learned that my kids will turn me in at the first opportunity.


andrea said...


Michelle said...


Have you seen cars yet? If yes you need to post a critique.

Duck Hunter said...

have not seen it yet. I do plan on taking the kids to it, and then, sure..I'll post a review. :)

GoGo said...

What happened to the code of honor..
Or the code that helps you get things from one parent when the other says no???

Horrible diplomacy tactics!
