Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Full Moon

I had planned on writing about a nice day at the park and sharing some photographs. Instead I'll take this minute to tell you that the full moon makes people crazy.

It's been a crazy past two days at work. Tuesday was one of the worst in a while. I had to work the evening and I noticed the full moon when I left. I really believe that people are a litle crazier during full moon. I make that statement after years and years of working with the public.

I work the evening again on Wednesday and I don't expect it to be much better.

Have you ever noticed that people are a bit different during the full moon?


Melba said...

For several years my sister worked midnights at one of the local emergency rooms here in Michigan. She said she always dreaded going to work around the time of the full moon because those were the bad days.

Aaron said...

I have yet to have an odd encounter today. Check back with me after Bible study tonight! :P

Farm Girl in MD said...

Full moon days (and mornings after) are miserable at school. It's interesting how many of my students are "off" around full moons.

My cousin works on Labor and Delivery at our hospital here and they are always busier on full moon nights!

Speed Seeker said...

So far so good for me. Speaking of full moons, tonight is the Total Eclipse of the Moon. I think it will be between 10PM & 11PM your time. Hopefully you get a chance to see and maybe shoot a couple pics.