Sunday, February 17, 2008

Turn Over

Brenna is now four months old. Cari told me she was able to flip over from her stomach the other day. I was at work when this happened, so when I got home I requested to witness this event.

We put the baby on a blanket on the floor.Then we waited.

She kicked around a little. Then she started to eat her fist. Then the blanket.

Cari laid down and tried to talk the baby into performing her new trick. Brenna finally decided she didn't want to be on her stomach anymore.
Did she flip over? Nope. She just started crying.
I suggested to Cari that Brenna has never turned herself over, but Cari insisted that she had done it twice that day.

It turns out that babies don't always perform on demand. Unless you are asking them to poop. They seem to be able to do that in any circumstance.


rakethetable said...

Sweet - oh the joys.

Sarah said...

Funny. Eli turned over around four months too, and now does it constantly. It's a mixed bag, though- fun to watch, but he usually ends up flailing around like a fish out of water and crying to be put on his back again. Yet once returned to his back, he can't NOT try to roll over again. It's a vicious cycle.

Travis Erwin said...

Babies never perform on demand nor do they later as toddlers so get ready to have poeple not believe you when you witness one of their feats.

Anonymous said...

Ahh..I can see me in that picture of Cari with Brenna. It's like I am still there :) You just miss me that much.

Melba said...

yep...all the babies AND kids I've been around seem to have a secret mission to make a liar out of their caregivers - no matter what the claim. It's great

RoadRunner said...

nice. Dash made liars out of mommy, daddy, and grandy on a regular basis. His mom still doesn't believe that he stood up and sang the star spangled banner at 3 months.

Miranda said...

So, I just came back to the land of the blog. And you've had a baby. Congrats!