Sunday, March 15, 2009

U 2 the Vet

A coworker took his dog to the vet and the kept her (the dog) three nights.  On the fourth day, the coworker wanted to take his dog home.  The vet said they wanted to keep her for observation one more night.

He asked, "You watch her through the night?"
Vet, "Oh no. We don't work all night."
The coworker got cross-eyed at the doctor and asked how they observe when NOBODY is in the office.   The answer was that they check in the morning.  

So instead of paying another bucket full of cash for another night, my coworker took his dog home with him where he could observe because he would be there with the dog!

Doctors, Vets, Dentists, etc. . . are a business.  They need to make money.  Sometimes I believe they exaggerate things to make more money.  I don't trust them.


RoadRunner said...

I don't trust them either. Especially after a friend of my dad's, who has his own practice, admitted to me that at the beginning of cold season, the first sick child that comes in gets to play with all the toys in the place. That is to make sure their germs get all over everything and to make sure cold season is profitable.

Melba said...

I don't trust them as far as I can throw them! When you start to pay attention, you realize it all boils down to money on some level. You really have to be in charge of your own health care these days, it's scary!

rakethetable said...

Great for him.