Friday, January 08, 2010

Don't Throw Your Food!

Brenna has decided that when she is done eating, the rest of the food should be thrown to the floor.  Cari hates this habit, but the dog loves it.

At first it was kinda funny.  After a few days of mopping the floor and scrubbing the wall it stopped being funny. At that point she started getting in trouble for it.  Then she changed it up a bit to be funny again.  She felt like if she closed her eyes that you wouldn't be able to see her.  Now she closes her eyes really tight and, with her arm extended, drops her food to the floor.  Cari tells her, "I can still see you!", but she doesn't care.  She knows she is cute.

Here's a video of the food throwing...


Becky, Grant, Penelope and Reagan said...

Haha! Smart baby!

Amanda said...

Should show her closing her eyes and then throwing food. That is HILLARIOUS!!!!