Saturday, November 13, 2004

Today was NOT the day

"Dad, do you have work today?" It was Randy.
"Yeah, I have work this morning.", I looked up at the clock. Six thirty am. SIX THIRTY AM!
I was supposed to be at work at six this morning! What happened to my alarm? After a quick check, it seems I set it for five PM. As I was getting dressed, I went back to the five year old and told him a little calmer that I did work today. I explained that I should already be there.
"Are you going to get fired?", he said it pretty straight forward. Not too sure he understands getting fired. I hope I wouldn't get fired.
Walked into work about 6:50am. I hadn't called to let them know I was coming or anything. Later in the day, I got hassled for that fact. When I got there there were two goons sitting in the front office. Not my favorite people. I didn't say much to them except that I had made it in. They offered no reply.
Well, that's how my day started. Everyone probably knows that when you get startled out of bed and rush to work, it's not going to be a great day. It was not a great day today either.

Going out to see a horse show tonight. A friend is showing a horse, thought we would go check it out. I actually work with him, (the friend, not the horse), I had refused to switch shifts with him for today. I really didn't want to close the store. This morning he asked why I wouldn't switch with him, I told him because we were having company. At the end of the day, we were talking about the horse show. I told him we weren't doing anything tonight and we would try to get out there. DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! I made a quick recovery by telling him the neighbor was coming over for dinner. He just called my cell to make sure I knew how to get to the show, I told him we would be there as soon as the neighbors left. Jeez. I shouldn't have lied, but it was the better option this morning. I didn't want to tell him I wouldn't switch just because.

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