Tuesday, March 08, 2005

We are the champions. . . of the word!

Ah, beautiful, clever, word games.

Although Becky and Grant have trained daily, for months at games such as Boggle and Scrabble, they were now in our home court. Would they prove to be champions of the word game? Would they totally embarrass Cari and myself, causing Cari to break down in tears? Would they cheat to make that dream come true? Maybe a little bit of all those questions is true.

Day 1: Boggle.
The children went to bed, and the four of us sat down to play some Boggle. Everyone was friendly, smiling, chatting. That quickly changed as Mrs. Vocabulary dominated round after treacherous round. Becky seemingly found every known word in that 4x4 grid. Many words, I believe she was making up. Nobody else at the table knew the words she was writing, but none of us felt confident enough to challenge her. I didn't want to appear stupid, so I just smiled and said, "good find". I know now, that she made up many of the words to give herself an advantage. Grant and myself did okay. Cari is used to totally stomping me in this game, so losing put her into shock. She too tried to cheat and make up words, but Becky would call her out on it each time. Oh, shame!

Day 2: Scabble
Grant and Becky play this game daily. They have been preparing for a tournament that would test all double word score skills that they have. I quickly realized how skilled at this game my brother is. Many times, I showed him the letters I have, hopeful for a hint. Many times I received this hint, and he helped keep my score in the game. In the early rounds, Grant took a commanding lead. Becky started to trail behind, and she got desperate. "I have bad letters.", was her excuse.
"Let me tell you about bad letters", I told her. "Six of my seven tiles are vowels!"
Becky got desperate. Really desperate. It was sad to watch as she tried to cheat. She would impose strange, twenty second, time limits on Grant to force him to make a play. Nobody else had to live by this made up rule. Part two of her plan, was to constantly distract Grant. Tapping her fingers on the table, constant talking, picture taking, were all part of the game for Becky. After seeing the tears on Cari's face from day one, I didn't think it could get any lower, but Becky proved me wrong.

Grant went on to win by more than a hundred points. Now, when you read their blog, and Becky brags about being the champ, you know the real truth.

1 comment:

Becky, Grant, Penelope and Reagan said...

Now I am in tears from those negative comments. That was way harsh Duck. :(

Just to set the record straight, I am not a cheater. I had a good game in boggle, but crashed and burned at scrabble. However, I am in the lead overall in my and Grant's scrabble playing history.
