Wednesday, October 04, 2006


When I arrived home the other day I noticed that the my children were attacking someone that doesn't live in our house. This guy was big, but he was no match for my kids.

Turns out, once I pulled them off his head, that it was Cari's dad. He and his wife came to stay with us for a few days. We had a good visit with them. Now my kids are training for our next visitor. Randy said he won't go easy next time.


Anonymous said...

That's so great! I love it when family comes to visit! My sister Allie just spent two days here with my WONDERFUL nephews. So.... spooky but you have almost the same color wall paint as me and almost an identical couch. I'm going to post a photo on my blog just so you can see. Its wierd! Pretty cool too, might I add.

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Ok. So, I added a photo of my couch. Yes. I'm mental. But I just had to show you how close they are.