Thursday, June 04, 2009

Spider Bites Don't Get You Out of Work

Last Friday I discovered a spider bite on my thumb while at work. It was a bit swollen and red with two white dots near the center.
I ran to my boss holding my thumb up like a three year old to his daddy. Well, perhaps I didn't run, but I did show him. He shrugged his shoulders as to say, "so what?".
I explained how a deadly toxic spider had bitten me and now I had a list of symptoms rushing through my body. He looked uninterested as I pleaded and he responded with another shrug. I hadn't directly asked to go home, but any reasonable person would see what I was going for.
My argument continued and I sat down on the floor, with my thumb elevated like a hitchhiker, for effect. Finally he spoke.

"I think you can finish the day with only one thumb. This job doesn't require you to have a thumb."


rakethetable said...

Too Bad

Poptart said...

Who needs apposbable thumbs?

Anonymous said...

what spider bit you? I have the same bit on my foot... kinda worried cuz my does turned purple....