Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Roll Naked!

Cari and I were in the backyard and she motioned with her outstretched arm to the entire yard as she said, "Go clean up the dog poop."

"The dog only goes in one part of the yard. Don't worry about it.", I replied. She didn't really care for my answer. Apparently, she believes the dog goes all over the yard. From where I stood in the grass I saw no poo and declared the play area of the yard to be free of waste.
The boy came out to see what we were talking about and I motioned my outstretched arm across the yard and asked him if he could see any poo. Of course, he said he could not see any.
"In fact, I am so confident there is no poo here, I will get naked and roll up the hill naked!", I declared to Cari. Immediately, the boy challenged me to do it. Then Cari came down from the deck to where I was standing in the grass. She turned her head, looking for neighbors, then back to me. "Fine, do it", she said.

I lifted my shirt over my head and threw it to the ground. With my belt unbuckled, I started to lower my pants when Cari pointed up the hill. Only ten feet from me was dog poop. In her best "I told you so" voice, she warned me not to roll in it.
I pulled my pants back up, ending the challenge, informed her that I wasn't going to roll in THAT spot anyway, and got the shovel.
The boy, disappointed in missing me act like a fool, requested that I shovel naked.
Request denied.


rakethetable said...

Did she call your bluff or buff? I am confused.

Melba said...


Poptart said...

Ha!!! Sounds like something you'd see in Alabama.