Sunday, April 30, 2006


Sometimes my life is like reality tv. Or is it that reality tv is sometimes like my life?

We just got back from a camping trip at Stone Mountain, GA.

Before we left, Cari and I ran to Wal-mart to get some last minute supplies. We got what we needed and on the way out of sporting goods saw a clearanced tent. We don't really need a tent. The one we use is probably close to ten years old but still works fine. This one on the shelf is bigger and better and it was now only $25. We got our new tent and headed out.

We got to Stone Mountain after fighting traffic for two hours. There were two times near Atlanta that these people would not let me in to switch lanes. One time I stopped in the right turn lane and flipped on my blinker to get over. Everyone behind me was pissed. They went around me on the shoulder telling me what a moron I am. Even with all that, two more cars went by in the left lane I was trying to squeeze into. Nobody let me in, so I just went. Back home, people will let you in when you are trying to switch lanes or merge into traffic.

Setting up camp was easy. We made our fire and cooked some hotdogs. This was the first camping trip Cari and I have ever taken without it raining. After eating a bag full of marshmallows and eating smores, the kids went to bed.While I was building the fire, Randy and Meredith really wanted to have poking sticks to poke at the fire. What is the obsession with poking fire?

After the kids went to bed, Cari and I sat next to the fire and poked at it.

It was colder than we had prepared for, so at three in the morning we all woke up and squished together on the air mattress. Every sleeping bag and blanket we had was piled on top of us.

I felt like I was living an episode of Survivor.

More details about our trip is coming this week. You will read about; how to fight with a goose, climbing a mountain with a four year old, and being a tough guy on the skylift.


Michelle said...

That tent is the size of my living room. Pillow Fight... Nice idea Randy and Meredith

John said...

What is this "traffic" thing of which you speak? I've gotta say the last three times I had a disagreement in a parking lot, it was about both cars attempting to give the open space to the other car . . . (really)

Miranda said...

nice teaser