Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sunday in the South

Listen. Do you hear it?
It is Sunday morning. Roughly eight in the morning.
I'm just waking up. Cari is in the room getting ready for church.
"Do you hear that?", I ask her.
"Yeah. Someone is cutting their grass.", she answers.
My first thought is that the Atheist is out there. Then I remembered he doesn't cut his grass, he makes his pregnant wife do it.
"Look outside. Who is it?", I ask. I sat up in bed and listened. Trying to decide which direction the noise was coming from.

There isn't anything wrong with cutting grass on a Sunday. I've done it once in a while myself. But on a Sunday morning? I knew that all the houses on our street would be up and getting ready for church. All but two.

Cari looked out one window, didn't see anything, then looked out the other. "It's the Yankee.", she reported.

"Figures.", I replied. I didn't even bother looking for myself. I imagined he was out there wearing his huge airport-style ear protection and goggles.


John said...

Maybe he's on Northern Standard Time?

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Your blog is complete proof of how differnt things are where you are and where we are. Is it really a North/South thing? I guess so. When we move to NC, I wonder what our neighbors will think of us! (Even though we do go to church on Sunday morning)

Duck Hunter said...

Even my neighbor across the street mentioned about the grass cutting. AND without my prompting. She asked me I saw him out cutting grass Sunday morning. She didn't like it at all.

ScottAng (So.Cal.) said...

Hey, what's wrong with airport style ear protection!? ...and, they're called "Ear Defenders". ;)

Booooo early grass mowing!
Hooraaaayy peace & quiet!

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Once again, I'm back to see how other people responded. Heh Heh. Scott can say that. But guess what? I don't think grass grows where he lives. So its not an issue at all. Hee Hee Hee.

Anonymous said...

"And you must love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself."

even if he dosnt go to your church.

"Verily verily, do not even remotely refer to those who you work with or live near - on the internet. Says the god of the internet, Google.com."