Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dog bites Pastor

The title of this post is also a text I got from Cari last week.
I was at work, but when I saw this I had to take a break to call her.

I was at work, Cari was out shopping with the kids. The pastor of our church stopped by to drop off some materials.

When Cari got home there was a message on our answering machine from the pastor. He stated that when he came over to drop off the materials our dog bit him.

Initially, Cari was annoyed. Of course the dog bit him, the dog is protecting the house while we are not home. The UPS guy won't even get out of his truck at our house, he just drops packages in the bushes beside the driveway.

Turtle hasn't bitten anyone before, but she does growl and bark if people come into the driveway. I guess most people back away when a dog is growling. Cari wanted to find out if the pastor was ok and also wondered how this happened. She called him.

He said when he was walking up, Turtle growled. He stopped for a moment and let her smell him, and then she walked off. He thought everything was ok so he proceeded to our front door. He had been over maybe twice before, so this was not his first encounter with the dog. Once at the door, the dog came back to him and started growling again, he put his hand down to pet her and she snapped at his hand. He said the bite wasn't too bad, but did break the skin.

That is the pastors side of the story. Turtle saw things a little differently.

A strange man walks up the driveway with a package, maybe a bomb. She must protect her territory. She warned the stranger that she is protecting her territory. He yielded to her warning so she went back to watching bunnies play in the yard. She thought he was going to turn and leave. After the bunnies scampered off, she went back to the front door and saw the stranger. She growled louder this time and barked as she approached him. He may try and leave that bomb on the steps of HER house. The stranger reached out to strike her in the head, but she used her lightening quick reflexes to bite him. He dropped the bomb, screamed, and ran back to the car. After he left, she went back into the yard and found a spot to pee.

Remember. There are always two sides to every story. Yes, this incident is a true story. Thankfully, the bite wasn't too bad, and he did not push the issue.


Ruby's My Spy Name said...

I'm shocked, Ed! If I had written this post, I would have guessed you would have called me sacrilegious. Heh heh.
Poor Turtle. Bad Pastor. I know a couple of Pastors I want my dog to bite!

rakethetable said...

Great double sided story.

I once submitted a photo essay from the eyes of my dog. each photo was taking as if your eyes were just inches from the ground.

The things the dog saw and thought about. Interesting stuff for a 15 year old.

Mojo Jojo said...

Honestly, if a dog comes and crowls at me and than barks, I would't proceed to the person's front door.

But biting the Pastor? I can just see what next Sunday's topic is going to be. He He He

jen said...

yikes. I'm glad he didn't push the issue. I have a neighbor who tells me to come over "anytime" and a few times I went to go over, with the kids in the stroller, and she had put her dog out front. The dog is 200 lbs and would growl when I went up her driveway. I didn't keep going. I just stood out there hoping she'd notice me... maybe she was just being polite when she said to come over "anytime" haha.

Later she claimed the dog was "a pussycat" but you have to be stupid to ignore a dog's warning like that. Especially a 200 lb dog.

One Scrappy Gal said...

I went to my next door neighbor's house to drop off a candle for her. She wasn't there but her door was unlocked. I figured she was just upstairs with the kids and she always tells me if the door is open to just come inside. So I went in. Her dog came up to me and sniffed me, then turned around and left the room. I left the candle on the counter, went home, and e-mailed her, telling her that her dog was quite the guard dog and protector. :-)

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Aileen didn't walk in on her neighbor having a bathroom experience? Ahhh man! I was hoping her score could be equaled.

ray of hope said...

Hahaha, thanks for the laugh Abbie! Ed, I'm glad your pastor is ok.

One Scrappy Gal said...


Not this time... but I have 3-5 years or however long the Navy keeps us here to even the score. I'm sure there will be a future revenge blog post. ;-)