Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Out of Character

It is really out of character for me to approach strangers.

Maybe it is from all the pounding in my head, "don't talk to strangers." Maybe I'm just shy.

Either way, while we were at the hotel in Mt. Vernon, Il last week, I went out to take some shots. There was a lot around the hotel and I went out exploring. In the parking lot of the hotel there were two guys swinging ropes. I watched for a minute and went down the block a bit. When I came back, one guy was still out there roping. I decided I really wanted to take some picture of him.

"Do you mind if take some pictures while you practice?" He shook his head no.
As I set up the camera, we talked for a minute. He is from Iowa and competes in rodeos around the midwest. I forget what he called it, but what he does is ride a horse, rope a calf, jump down and tie its feet together. This bale of hay didn't seem much of a challenge for him. His friend I saw him with earlier also competes. His friend also works with him. They travel around installing lights in auditoriums.

When I was done taking pictures, I thanked him and asked his name.

"Graham, like the cracker", he responded.

"Good luck, Graham.", I replied as I walked back to my hotel room.
Back at the room, I told Cari my story. She didn't believe me until I showed her the pictures in the camera. She remarked that it surprised her that I actually did that.


Speed Seeker said...

Good for you on talking to strangers. ;) I'm kinda shy when it comes to that stuff too. As far as what he was doing, it's called simply what it is. Calf Roping. During the Stampede here in Calgary, there's lots of competitions like that. The kids can even have their shot at it if they want. Though I think it's similar to roping some hay...Or something else stationary ;)

One Scrappy Gal said...

I have always wondered how Rodeomeisters practiced when they didn't have calves around. Now I know.