Friday, June 08, 2007

Time for some Geocaching

We took a few hours to do some geocaching today. Last time I took Randy, he screamed the whole time. He refused to give anything up.

The first one was near a small waterfall off the side of the highway. The bottom of the waterfall is only knee deep, so after we found the cache, we let the kids play in the water for a while.

Our second cache was at a place called Aunt Sue's. A cluster of buildings housing a small restaurant and unique gift shops. After we found the cache we headed up to the buildings for some ice cream. Randy had picked up a bouncing ball that flashes colored light in the cache. While we ate our ice cream, he decided to give it to Meredith. The deal was that he could have something out of the next cache. I explained to him that sometimes there is NOTHING good to take from a cache. He accepted that risk and handed the ball to Meredith.

Those with children may see where this is going. . .

At our third and final cache of the day, we walked a short distance into the woods. I pointed to some fallen trees up a hill and Randy scampered up to find his first geocache. He ripped it open and found some flashers that fit on the spokes of his bike tires. Immediately, Meredith started having a fit. She didn't want the ball anymore. She wanted Randy to have the ball. Cari and I quickly signed the log and closed up the container. Meredith was about to lose it and we had to go. Little one cried all the way back to the car, telling me how she didn't want the ball. When I asked her to give it to me, so I could put it in a cache, she cried more. Now she wanted Randy to keep it. She wasn't willing to let it go back in the box.

For the next fifteen minutes riding in the car was not fun. She screamed and cried. Finally, Cari took the ball from her. Now she says she wants Cari to run her over to the dollar store and get some toy. We'll see about that.

Overall, the four of us had the best time geocaching together. I was really happy that Randy helped and didn't have a fit. Meredith did really well until the very end as well.

Cari and I also picked up two travel bugs that we will leave as we travel on vacation coming up. This will give some of these travel bugs a huge boost in mileage. Hopefully we'll bring some back from vacation to place back around here.


One Scrappy Gal said...

Did you put anything in the caches?

Duck Hunter said...

yeah. mostly we put in ink stampers and some plastic bug rings.

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Your pictures make me green! If I can't move to North Carolina sometime this summer, I'll be throwing a fit just like Marideth! I'm really glad you all had a great family day! What are travel bugs?

rakethetable said...

Glad the time was good.
I understand the child
fit thing well.

Time in the water is always
the best!

Duck Hunter said...

Ab- travel bugs are registered tags placed in caches. When you pick up one or place one you register it on . It can be pretty interesting to see how these "bugs" travel across the globe.

Anonymous said...
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d e v a n said...

I have no earthly idea what geocaching is....