Thursday, June 28, 2007


I normally do not post about news stories. This one got my attention this evening.

Paris Hilton is out of jail and did an interview last night with Larry King. I know, everyone is about tired of this, but this is funny.

Here's a LINK to the story on CNN. Here's the relevant quote from the story:

Asked three times if she has ever used or been addicted to drugs, she replied flatly, "No." Asked if she was a big drinker, Hilton told King, "I'm not really into it. I think socially people do sometimes when they go out, but it's not something that I really care about."
She denied EVER using drugs.

Now go to this website: The Smoking Gun
They show seven videos of Paris Hilton and drugs. Some of the videos she is using drugs, some of the videos she is discussing having or buying drugs.



Anonymous said...

Hey now lets not insult the retarted. ;)
I think I will just call very negative things a Paris or another Hilton moment from now on.

d e v a n said...

ha ha! Well, she's defintely not the sharpest crayon in the box, now is she?

d e v a n said...

oops, I meant brightest. ha!