Friday, December 17, 2004

Less than 10 days, and I'm still not ready

Christmas will be here next week.
This year, Cari and I decided we would make each other a present, instead of purchasing one.

That's a great idea. Cari is great at stuff like this. She makes book cases, she made the computer desk. She is also very good with craft projects. She has many times saw something in a store that she really liked and NOT bought it because she could make one herself.

On the other side of the equation, you have me. I'm the guy who fried flour. I'm like Homer Simpson building a dog house. Want me to build a computer? Ok. Want me to build you a picture frame? You are in for a real treat. Well, I have some ideas. I can't discuss them here, because Cari reads this. The only problem with my ideas are that I have not really started. So, I'm not 100 % sure my ideas are going to work or how long it will take. I may have to resort to crayons and construction paper.

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