Thursday, November 03, 2005


Why do I have to decide among the THIRTY TWO feet of retail space devoted to toothpaste? Some stores probably have even more if you count all the whitening products. I just want to brush my teeth. I need a toothbrush and a bit of toothpaste. The toothpaste does not have to have pretty pictures on the tube. It does not have to be three striped colors, it does not have to be in a pump tube.

I don't like to shop. I want to get in and get what I need so I can leave.

I don't want to live in a communist country, where my neighbor and I are issued toothpaste that we must ration for the next five years. Capitalism is awesome. I think it is great that Colgate and Crest can go out and make every stinking variety of paste. Sometimes we go overboard.

Air condition filters bother me more than toothpaste. They have an ENTIRE aisle devoted to air filters at Lowe's. There are so many sizes. Why can't the air condition manufactures get together and have some standards? No reason really, they choose not to.
Small, medium, and large filters will be your sizes. Then you will get to choose between good, better, and best filtration. You know what? I just took an aisle of product and reduced it to NINE ITEMS! Better for consumers because there will be less confusion. Better for retailer so they have more room for other products. The manufactures can help this. They don't want to help.

Is there a need for more than NINE types of toothpaste?

It's late. I'm going to go brush my teeth and get in bed.


GoGo said...

I was going to write a letter to Crest about that a while back.

I got mad because i couldnt figure out which one i usually buy.

I switched to Toms (expensive)baking soda toothpaste.

Now THEY offer 4 types.

it is tooooo much!

At least cambells soup is still the same, so far.

John said...

32 feet of toothpaste=too much
32 feet of beer=paltry selection