Sunday, July 02, 2006

Out of Order

As I was attempting to get my children in bed last night I realized we do things out of order. We were taught to do things wrong.

The problem starts with dinner. After dinner, a very healthy meal, we have taught our children to demand dessert.

The lesson: Suffer through green beans, meatloaf, and salad and you will earn a sweet treat.

Not long after getting loaded full of sugar (sugar=energy), we start getting them ready for bed. We brush teeth, get our pajamas on, read some books, then hop in bed. The key word is "hop". These kids are bouncing off the walls. After getting them in bed, I go downstairs. Before I can even sit down one of the children is standing on the stairs asking a question. Get that one back in bed and the other follows me down. Repeat that process for thirty minutes.

This is similar to me drinking two cans of mountain dew at eleven pm last week. I went to bed at 2:30 am that night.

The answer is obvious to me. Maybe some of you have already started this new system. Feed the kids dessert first. After dessert you can eat dinner. It will add that much more time between sugar fest and bed time.

Cari went out shopping today, Walmart of course, so while she was out I decided to try my theory. I'll let you know how it goes.


Speed Seeker said...

Yummy...Dessert before dinner. How could that ever go wrong. ;)

Tammy said...

Try flavored apple saucenor Graham Crackers as I dont think Cari is going to go for the dessert first thing. Good Luck. I only do dessert 1 night a week for Zak and that depends on how his week went.

Amy said...

AH! Madness... you're very brave..hahahahaha.... My nephews go literally wild after eating lots of sugar... I think you've got the right idea with switching things up a bit ! - ha!