Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas Letters

Do you know about the Christmas family letters? It's the letter you write to tell everyone about how perfect your life has been this year. Little Johnny is the smartest and most loved kid in his class. Remember?

The owners of the company you work for treat you like family and you love your job! Just like your last three employers. You aren't upset about anything. You husband quit his job and found some downgrade of a job, but, "he gets more done around the house now". Little Sally played the lead roll in the first grade play. She was the greatest and we were such proud parents.

Sometimes these letters come from people that I haven't seen in several years. They could write anything they want. In fact, they do. One particular letter makes me laugh every year. I get the letter, then call a mutual friend that I still have contact with. He tells me the truth behind the words in the letter. Everything is so exaggerated. Sometimes I laugh so hard, tears roll down my face.

If you are one of the people that writes the family letter, don't be offended. I think it is a great thing. Just don't lie and exaggerate everything. If you do, send me a copy, I could use a good laugh.


One Scrappy Gal said...

We got tired of receiving christmas letters from friends saying they backpacked through europe, how loved they are by everyone, and how they bought a new house/car/island. We have started embellishing a little in our letters. My husband invented cold fusion and I am teaching cambodian kids hand-eye coordination. Our daughter is an olympic marvel and our son is on his way to developing a cure for cancer. It's OK because our friends and family know that we are just kidding, for lack of anything interesting to write, and appreciate our sense of humor. This year's christmas letter is also a guide on how to write christmas letters. :)

Anonymous said...


Duck Hunter said...

I love it! Maybe I should write my own letter now, just to mock people.