Wednesday, December 06, 2006


We still don't have a Wii.

Walmart put some on sale this morning. People started lining up last night at midnight. Cari was there around 8:30am this morning and one lady that had one was still in the store. She told Cari she would sell it to her for only double the price. How thoughtful. Jerk.

The search continues on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your search. Sounds like you're having about as much fun as I am finding a PS3...hehe

One Scrappy Gal said...

Funny...the same thing happened to friends of ours when they went to Walmart to buy TMX Elmo. She got two off the shelves, the last two, and as she was walking up to the register, someone offered to buy them off her for twice the amount, and she hadn't even paid for them yet!! Unreal the value people put to material things. Good luck finding the Wii. My husband complains to me every day about what a mean wife I am. :)

Anonymous said...

What's a Wii?