Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I heard Santa!

I had to get out of bed at six on Christmas morning. When I walked out to the living room, I witnessed Randy jumping up and down. That's not just an expression, the boy was literally jumping up and down.

I asked him, "why are you jumping around like a monkey?"
"LOOK WHAT SANTA BROUGHT ME!", he screamed. He pointed to his new remote control car. As I was putting the battery in it for him he told me he had heard Santa.

"When you heard him, what did you do?", I asked.
"I came running down stairs, but he was already gone.", he told me.

I explained that Santa is very fast because he has so many places to go.

Randy said, "Yeah, he is fast for an old man."

1 comment:

John said...

Heh. Ours was SURE that the presents he knew The Mrs. wrapped were also from Santa.