Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Vanilla is not my scent

I finished lighting the grill and turned to walk back onto the porch. Cari had followed me out there. I had just gotten home from work. We kept talking as I handed her the matches back.
It was a nice afternoon and we stood out there for a few minutes. She had her hands in front of her, near her neck, and I reached out and gave her a hug. We were standing there for a minute when Cari said, "You smell like vanilla."

I denied smelling like vanilla, but after another smell of my neck she insisted I smelled like vanilla. She jokingly asked me what woman was I rubbing up on that smelled like vanilla. I denied hugging on a woman that smelled like vanilla. After I got a look from Cari, I clarified I had not been rubbing on ANY woman.

As Cari stood back she looked at her hands that were still near her face. The matches! The matches are kept in the drawer full of candles.

Sure enough, the match box smelled like vanilla.


Tammy said...

Haha!!!! Very funny

One Scrappy Gal said...

For a moment there... I thought Cari was going to round up a posse and we were gonna be lynching Ed!!

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

You should be writing these in one of your books. Very funny.

Mojo Jojo said...

Any women calling your house lately, asking for you by your first name?

Michelle said...

Anne's Husband Matt has no sense of smell. She is very insturmental in expressin his need for a breath mint. At anyrate he would be found out for sure if engaging in the rubbing against other women.

d e v a n said...

ha ha! I'm sure she liked the vanilla smell more once she figured out it was from the matches, and not some other woman. ;)