Sunday, December 09, 2007


Guess what I played last night on the Wii. What's that? Did you say Mario Galaxy? If you did, you would be correct!


Cari decided to play hide and seek with the game. If I could find it within five minutes, then I could have it. She laid on the bed with a smirk and started an actual timer. I ran into the closet and searched a couple of places. Then I climbed up the the attic stairs. I glanced around the attic without getting off the ladder. I came back down and looked in her dresser.
"45 seconds!", she said. I went back to the closet and moved some clothes around.
She started laughing and said time was up. I went over to the bed to beg for another chance. She told me I was a horrible seeker. I didn't overturn anything. I hardly looked UNDER anything.

As we talked she told me it was not in the attic. Finally, she agreed to show me where it was, with the idea that she was going to re hide it. She was really liking my unsuccessful attempt at seeking. I pulled it out of the bottom of her jewelry box and handed her the white box.

I left the room and stood in the hallway. She closed the bedroom door for about a minute. When she came back to the door she was holding the timer. "Two minutes."
I couldn't do this in two minutes. I negotiated it up to three.

The timer started and I went straight to the baby's crib. Tucked inside the liner was Mario Galaxy. I held it up victoriously and laughed an evil laugh. When I stood in the hallway, I listened very intently. I didn't hear the closet door or any dresser drawers move. I was able to eliminate most of the hiding spots before I even went into the room.

Cari was very disappointed that I found it. She wanted to continue the hide and seek game. She also did not want to appear that she gave in by giving me the game early. We agreed that we would still hold off from showing the kids another week or so.

Last night, when everyone was asleep, I played. For those that have a Wii, this is a great game. It's got to be one of the most creative Mario games ever. It was about 1:30am as I sat in the living room playing last night when someone came and sat next to me. Randy asked what I was playing. OH MAN!

He said he got up to use the bathroom and heard me playing something. I told him I was going to surprise him with the game in the morning. He said, "If you wanted to surprise me you should have not been playing it so loud." He went back to bed, but it was the first thing he mentioned this morning.

If you are wondering what I'll be doing later today, I'll be saving the princess.


One Scrappy Gal said...

I wouldn't be too proud of myself... I didn't find it until you got a second chance... and only because you were snooping (eavesdropping) at the door!! sounds like a very cool game. My husband would drool if he got one in his stocking. :)

rakethetable said...

I am glad you got your game.

Anonymous said...

Way to ruin my sisters fun by finding it so fast :)

Aaron said...

Darn. I guess I lost the bet.

Duck Hunter said...

Don't bet against me, Aaron. You'll lose.

Speed Seeker said...

That's Awesome! You did exactly what I would do...Listen. It's helped me find many a presents in the

Hope your enjoying the game. It's highly addictive.