Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Too Much Effort

It's 9 in the morning and I sit down at the kitchen table with my cup of coffee and a cookie. I've been up for five minutes. Cari is sitting across from me and makes a remark about my breakfast choice.

I tell her that I was going to get a poptart but the cookie was easier because I didn't want to wait on the toaster. I still haven't taken a bite of the cookie when she suggests I get a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

I sip my coffee and stare at her. She's waiting for my response and I say, "That would take too much effort."

"What, to lift a spoon to your mouth?"

I felt a need to defend myself after that attack and ended the conversation by saying, "I would have to get a bowl, pour the cereal in, then some milk, and then yes, I would have to lift the spoon to my mouth. Like I said, too much effort."

I ate the cookie.


Poptart said...

Tip: If you make the coffee nice and strong, then you will have more energy to lift the spoon to your mouth. Also, I'm sure your kids would have a fun time shoveling food in your mouth. I know mine does.

Anonymous said...

You could try one of those Quaker Breakfast Bars. It's supposedly like eating a bowl of cereal in bar form.

Anonymous said...

I think cookies are yummy!! Thank You Duck Hunter for the comment on my latest post. :) lol


Speed Seeker said...

Chocolate Chip Cookies are great for breakfast. ;)

Anonymous said...

Someday you might lack the use of your arms and WISH you could do it!

Have Randy slingshot cereal into your mouth. You'll be fed, he'll work on his hand/eye coordination. It's win/win!

Anonymous said...

Hey stranger! Been awhile hasn't it?
You could always re-create the scene in "A Christmas Story" and skip your hands all together.
By the way, I LOVE the lighting in the photo of Brenna on the bridge. It's hard to get something that good with natural light. Great work!