Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Glory of Cheese!

I found one of those books that leads people to Christ. At least I thought that's what it was. Then I started reading this eleven page book of Spanish. I have taken portions of this book and am going to translate for you, this story:

THE GLORY OF CHEESE!The skull and cross bones are there to prepare you for the scary story you will find inside.

The devil and Papa talk about this chunk of cheese as kitty watches over the mouse. The devil requests some crackers to eat with this glorious cheese.

The devil tells kitty about the delicious crackers Papa has. A bird flies in to witness this glorious cheese and the kitty inhales that small mouse.

The devil becomes angry when the bird flies off with the cheese, leaving him holding a single whole wheat cracker.

The devil begins to recount his days in Egypt. Back in the day of cracker worship. This is in the time before cheese. All the people of Egypt would bow down to the mighty cracker in prayer for a piece of cheese.

Papa was a very famous priest, praying to the cracker gods for cheese. When he learned about the power of Jesus, he sent all the people looking for him. "Jesus has the cheese!"

Papa sends people out in every direction looking for where Jesus would have hidden the cheese. As the day goes on, he squeezes kitty tighter and tighter.

In this final frame, Jesus' friend is tied to a stake and threatened to be burned. Papa demands to know about the secrets of Jesus Christ. The man at the stake is taunted with the mighty cracker, but that is not enough for him to betray Christ as he says, "no".

When I first turned the pages of this small book, I thought it was a joke. What in the world does following Jesus have to do with cheese and crackers? As I spent the next month translating the text, I realized that Jesus is the source of cheese to those with dry, wheat crackers.

1 comment:

John said...

"Praise God from whom all cheese and crackers flow?"