Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Randy and Meredith were playing paper/rock/scissors in the car.

"1, 2, 3" Then they each called out what form their hand took.
Randy, "scissors."
Meredith, "rock." Meredith mocks Randy with her win.

Again they play. "1, 2, 3", I hear.
Meredith, "rock."
Randy, "bomb."

Bomb? Seems that a bomb can defeat all three elements of the standard game. Randy was not going to lose.

Meredith wants to go again. "1, 2, 3"
Randy again calls, "Bomb!" He is determined to win.
Meredith calls, "Jesus!" She laughs a bit and explains, "Nothing can beat Jesus"


Anonymous said...

High 5 Merideth!! Not only will the girls out number the boys now. She also helped me to name drop Jesus whenever I want too :)
Its totaly trump!


John said...

Hmmm, how about a bomb Jesus made?
or . . .
How about Love? That would at least lead to a tie and big hugs all around, because I think Jesus and love go pretty darn well together.

Anonymous said...

She's a sharp little one, isn't she? WOW! I wouldn't even expect an answer that good and quick from an adult! That's awesome! Nothing beats JESUS!
I hope you're doing well. Have a great week.

rakethetable said...

That sums it up.

ScottAng (So.Cal.) said...

AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing this great story.