Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sick and tired

I went to work at six on Monday morning and by eight I determined that I was sick enough to go home. I have suffered through work much sicker than I was feeling, but for several reasons I chose to use some sick time and go home.

When I got home, I found that Cari was feeling about as sick as I was. Randy was coughing a lot last week, and now it seems the entire house was becoming infected. Cari and I caught up on some Tivo for most of the day while the baby played at our feet.

We watched several episodes of Survivor and we started thinking about people we know that would be fun to watch on there. On the current series, we both decided we like Sugar, but it probably isn't for the same reasons.

On Tuesday I woke up feeling about as sick as Monday, but I decided to go to work. I certainly had things that needed to be done and there wasn't much left on Tivo anyway. By Tuesday night, I didn't feel that bad. I give a lot of credit to my quick recovery or lack of worsening condition to orange juice. Anytime I start feeling sick I go get a gallon of orange juice - like I did on Monday - and drink as much as I can. It might all be in my head, but I swear the vitamin C cures my symptoms within a day almost every time.

I don't get sick often and by the end of the week I expect to be doing cartwheels in the front yard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow..that is some orange juice considering you couldnt do a cartwheel before you got sick :)