Friday, April 06, 2007

Not my conversation

I walked into the office today and was thrust into a conversation between two women. As the door shut behind me, they looked up at me and I knew then that this was not a conversation I should participate in.

I looked down at the papers in my hand hoping they would not notice me.

Paula said that her husband can't seem to open the dishwasher to put a plate in. His plate always ends up on the counter near the dishwasher. Brandy replied to this with her own story of her husband. He also can't seem to even scrape the food from his plate.

I took a step back toward the door, still staring at my papers. I was thinking I would just come back some other time. Then they spoke to me. "Tell us that you know how to use the dishwasher."

"Oh, I know how to use it just fine." The tone in my voice must have given me away. They pressed me to tell if the dishes get into the dishwasher.

"Honestly, a lot of times, my plate doesn't leave the table." This statement caused Brandy, whose back was to me, to turn around. "When I do clear the table, the plates go on the counter." Brandy looked like she was in shock.

She said, "I thought you were better than that." Then some comment about being mean and abusing wives was made about men. I opened the door and was excusing myself. Another guy was just getting ready to walk into the office.

"Be careful Jim. You don't know what you are walking into!", I warned.
He replied, "Thanks for stirring them up!"


jen said...

clearly something is wrong with them. Don't they know that they could get a lot more dishes in without the men interfering?

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

You never quit making my laugh, D.H.! Alas, dishes are my thing. And I'm cool with that. When a kid pees on the bed.... that's when Mark needs to help. I can NEVER seem to keep my laundary situation under control.
(Hey, today is Rachel's birthday! Just letting you know). I hope your weekend is great.

d e v a n said...

ha! That could be a dangerous situation indeed.

Mojo Jojo said...

Guilty as charged...if you take a peak into my kitchen, you'll see a mountain of dishes in the sink till somebody volunteers to empty the dishwasher and then fill it back up. (Or should I have said till I do it?)

I do must say that my hubby is pretty good about filling up the dish washer (after the sink gets full).

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Your comments on Aileen's killer seal (or whatever) really cracked me up.