Monday, April 30, 2007

Inner Peace

On Saturday we drove over to a park near the mountains. The park features a stream flowing down a smooth rock that people like to slide down during the summer. We felt it was a bit too cool out to be in the water, but there was another family out there sliding down. I think we'll make a trip out there next month and get in the water. We were there on Saturday just to check the place out.

We walked up stream a ways to enjoy the view. I was taking some pictures of Meredith and Cari sitting on a rock when I turned around and saw this.
The boy trying to find inner peace.

I'm not sure where he picked this up. It certainly wasn't from me. I wouldn't have even thought to pose him like that. He knew I was amused by it. He sat there for a few minutes while I snapped a couple of photos.

I don't know what he was doing, but I'll tell you this; he was well behaved the rest of our trip.


rakethetable said...


Looks like I could sit there and find my inner peace.

One Scrappy Gal said...


Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Ha! That's cute. Is the kitchen Jesus not having any effect on the boy?

Hey, I'm sorry to hear about Maggot. Really. That's sad.

Tammy said...

from the mouths of babes-I guess actions fit in there too.

Duck Hunter said...

You are right, Ab, I placed the kitchen Jesus in Randy's bed.

Tammy- I hope you aren't suggesting I was teaching him to do that. I don't have enough patience for meditation.