Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween Rules

I like Halloween because I like to eat candy. I like to send my children out to the streets and have them gather candy for me.

Tonight, they went out three times with Cari and some neighbors. I stayed home with Brenna. She and I handed out candy to the visitors. I also ate a lot of candy between visitors.

The kids came back with piles of candy that I started looking through after they went to bed. Yum.

This year we had a soldierand a ballerina


d e v a n said...

great costumes! Nice pics too!

One Scrappy Gal said...

I, too, went through the candy stash, not just to check and make sure they were safe to eat, but to hide the ones I wanted for myself. :)

rakethetable said...

I am not sure if it's cute or scary - but your son looks just like you. Can't deny that one!