Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sometimes I feel like a well paid baby sitter. Why is it that when I ask an employee to do something, then check back in an hour, they have made little or no progress? These are adults! Some of them are complete idiots. My eight year old can follow directions better. We don't do anything complicated at the store. The basics is this: stock shelves with stuff, help customers, sell stuff, repeat.

Sometimes the customers can be a pain. Lately, the customers haven't been bad, it's the employees. When my boss asks me to do something, I do it. So, when I ask someone to do something, I expect it done. Most of them do a great job. For the others, I have threatened once or twice to bring my son in and show them how to do their job.

There are lots of blog worthy stories from work. Sometimes I wish they could bring in a camera crew and shoot a reality show there. I could just about guarantee a hit. For now, I'm nervous to say too much about work. There are always stories about a blogger getting fired for writing about work. I do not need to become a statistic. So I just stick to writing about myself and my family. Hopefully they won't fire me.

I did have a work related scare on the blog one time.

I came home from work and checked my email. I had a comment on my blog from a familiar name. When I read the comment, I froze. Sitting in silence, staring at the screen. I read it four times at least. The person is a corporate executive for the company I work for. To me, his words were cryptic. They had double meaning.

I loaded up my blog and did some searches for things related to the company. Nothing was showing up. I DON'T WRITE ABOUT WORK. How did he find me?

I emailed a good friend of mine. He's really the only one I work with that knows about the blog. He logged on and read the comment. Then he called me. I think he was a little nervous for me at first. As we talked it over, I started to see how I probably read too much into the executives comment. I think he was just out reading random blogs and was inspired to leave a comment. I doubt he still reads this. If he does still read it, that's ok too.

My heart was beating fast that day. It didn't matter that I hadn't written anything about work. It made me realize that literally anyone can read this. I'm not an idiot, I always knew that to be the case. I just didn't think it would be someone from work. Who will it be next?


One Scrappy Gal said...

My husband has the same complaints as you about the people he works with. When he gives an order, he doesn't want to have to babysit to make sure it's done right either.

That IS a scare! Glad it turned out to be totally random.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish I could lead a parallel life where I slack off and don't do what my bosses tell me to do, and I'd probably be really pretty and paid very well for it, right? :)

Valarie said...

It is kind of scray when you let yourself think about all the people that could be reading your blog. It's hard to try to figure out what you should and shouldn't write about because you never really know who might happen upon it!

Aaron said...

The mother-in-law! :P

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Hmmmmm.... There are A LOT of people that I'd rather not have see my blog. Maybe *wink* that's why I've deleted so much.... and started all over. But now, when I have TIME to blog, its fun.

Melba said...

It can definitely be a delicate balance between what to and not to say. I try not to sensor myself too much but there are just some things you need to keep to yourself! I agree with the whole not writing about work thing, very smart imo.