Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Best That Money Can't Buy

It's hard not to read about how horrible the American economy is daily. Many days it's hard to escape hearing about it. You have to continue to sift through the news to find the silver lining. Something to keep your spirits up. Yesterday my silver lining was that I can buy a loaf of bread for less than $100 BILLION.

Zimbabwe has an inflation rate at 2.2 million percent. CNN describes it as "economic meltdown". This has been going on for a while now over there. In January the central bank issued money with denominations of $1 million, $5 million, and $10 million. I don't think they did it because there is a bunch of rich people wanting to carry cash.

It wasn't until May when they started printing denominations up to $50 billion.
Then this past Saturday they issued the $100 billion notes for the super wealthy. It turns out that it still isn't enough to buy a loaf of bread. I wonder if that is for white or wheat? Anyway, I hope anyone doing work in Zimbabwe is renegotiating their pay on a daily basis.

It really is hard to imagine living in conditions like that. I've decided I'm not going to worry about our economy until bread gets to be more than a million dollars. Then we might have a problem on our hands. Oh, and that would be for wheat bread. White bread isn't healthy.



Anonymous said...

You are wise, Papa Homer.

rakethetable said...

I have leaned over a bit and we now buy/consume white wheat. I am not sure what the difference is - but I have convinced myself it is better for me.