Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Backward Baby

Brenna and I had a few hours alone the other day. She slept during the first half of our time together. I finaly got bored and decided to lay down for a short nap as well. Five minutes later she woke up.

I put her on her belly to get some crawling practice. She would lift herself up and push with her arms, shoving her body backward. I bribed her by placing toys and treats in front of her, just out of reach. She pushed backward again and went further from the toys. Then she turned sideways a few times and did a backward circle. She gave me a big smile when she backed into her toys and grabbed one.


jen said...

I love that pic, the face, the colors :)

I'm struggling with my portraits because I met up with this really mean group of women who will discard any picture on a really stringent basis. I need to reset my thinking :)

J is doing the same thing crawling wise, though if I leave him on the floor and come back he's never even remotely near where I left him.

d e v a n said...


Melba said...

Great photo...I love babies!

Firefly said...

She's already showing you her way is the right way and Dad is wrong.

With a face like that though I suspect she's going to get away with it a lot more!

Aaron said...

She got that from her daddy, obviously.