Sunday, July 26, 2009

Family Movie Night

Cari chose Monty Python: The Meaning of Life for an evening movie.
I had seen most of this movie long ago and questioned if the kids should watch this. She said, "It's Monty Python, how bad can it be?"

I pointed out its 'R' rating as I put it in the DVD player and we all sat down.

Near the beginning is a song by a Catholic talking about not using birth control.
Every Sperm is Sacred.

Ok. I looked over at Cari during that song and asked if she was ready to turn it off. We let it play through, hoping the sexual theme would end.

At the beginning of this next scene I remembered what happened and asked Cari if she knew what was coming up. She did not.

At about 4 minutes and thirty seconds into that scene Cari jumped up to cover a child's eyes and I stopped the movie.

I reminded Cari that I didn't think it would be a great family movie and she blamed me for not providing enough information on HOW bad it was going to get.

Meanwhile the kids wanted to watch the rest . . . which they would not do.
Next week, the kids pick the movie.


Tom said...

What if they decide they want to watch "The Meaning of Life"?

Aaron said...

Admit it. You really wanted to say, "I told you so." ;)

Poptart said...