Friday, January 14, 2005

Learn something new

I'm a little farther behind my updates than I had hoped to be. Work has been busy since I got back.

So we were out to dinner for grandpa's birthday. Looking over the menu, I was hungry for shrimp. There were two dinners that had shrimp. Shrimp on a skewer, and shrimp scampi.
There was a problem. I don't eat a large variety of foods. I don't normaly try new things. The few times I do go out to eat, I almost always choose something I have had before.

What the hell is scampi?!!?

I asked my brother. He used to cook at this restaurant. . .for several years. "what's shrimp scampi?"
Would you believe he replied, "i don't know." Then he kind of gave a weird grin and chuckled. If the friggin' cook doesn't know what it is, then why would I want it? I was still curious. I have had shrimps on a skewer plenty of times before. I would just have to stick to the safe order.

What the hell is scampi?!!?

I searched around my table to find an answer. Leaning over to Cari on my right, "what is scampi?"
Shrugged shoulders came from my beautiful wife. She doesn't like seafood, I didn't really expect her to know.

Maybe scampi means they dump the bucket of shrimp on the floor. The ones that start to scamper away get their heads cut off, their body dumped on your plate with some lemon.

What the hell is scampi?!!?

The waitress would return soon for our orders. I sipped my water and looked for more help. AH! Grandpa (not the birthday boy) on my left would certainly know this. "Grandpa, what does it mean when they scampi the shrimp?"
Grandpa is a smart guy. I guess that's why he leaned over to check his answer for approval from grandma. He leaned back my way and told me that scampi is just the way they cook it, the sauce they use on it. Thanks, grandpa!
The waitress came moments later for our orders. I ordered the shrimp scampi. Oh!, something new, this should be fun.

What the hell is scampi?!!? Let me tell you. Grandpa was right. You know what shrimp scampi tastes like? It tasted exactly like shrimp skewers without the skewers. Mystery solved. It makes you feel like you are getting a higher class meal, because it doesn't come served on a stick.

You should try to learn something new everyday. This is a bigger challenge for some, for others, it comes easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is Grant, what's wrong with you people shrimp scampi come on! =P and if Steve didn't know, well no comment then.