Sunday, January 16, 2005

Looking for answers

Cari reads trashy romance novels. I'm not sure if I was allowed to reveal that. It's done now. That's one of the things about writing a blog. I am my own censor. I can write about any topic, in any way, at any time. Yeah, it might upset people along the way, but I am my own censor. I'm not a very good censor for my blog. Sometimes things get put up here that maybe should not have been. I write this blog as Duck Hunter, and maybe I feel that gives me a certain amount of anonymity. I post pictures and use real names, but I still feel that if a guy from work stumbled on this, he would not be able to pin it on me.

So, Cari likes to read books by Nora Roberts. I sit down on the couch last night, and on the side table sits a book. "Nora Roberts", it says accross the top. Then a bit smaller, "writing as". Then in a huge font, "J.D. Robb". What's the point in writing under a different name if you are going to tell people who you really are on the same page? The J.D. Robb books are a little different. I think they are a bit more murder mystery, then the trashy sex Nora normally writes. Maybe she wants to seperate herself from murder mystery. I really doubt that, her name is almost as big as J.D. Robb on the cover. Maybe she has been using J.D. Robb for a while now, without her name, and it's time to reveal it. That's not it either, this book says, "first time in print". If having her real name on the cover wasn't enough, flip the book over. The ENTIRE back cover is a giant picture of this woman.

It doesn't seem she was very creative in coming up with a pen name. Robb is obviously a play on Roberts. I'll tell you this, my real name is nothing like Duck, or Hunter. In fact, I'm not even a duck hunter. Pretty tricky, huh? Maybe Nora wishes she is cool enough to be a blog writer.

Nora Roberts
writing as
Duck Notes
She just doesn't get it. Maybe she could add some cool points if her books by Nora Roberts were written by J.D. Robb, and her J.D. Robb books were written by Nora Roberts. Makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

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