Tuesday, April 05, 2005

D-Day minus one.

Cari will be back Wednesday evening.

On Monday, I woke up first. Today, Randy was first up. He came in and told me my alarm was going off, and he would pull me out of bed. It wasn't too late, but we had to get moving. This seems to be my normal strategy. We have a contest for Wednesday morning to see who will be up first. He'll probably win.

I made him a lunch to take today. On Monday, he told me that his teacher and him were talking about his mom being out of town. He told her the story about cookies for lunch. She told him it would probably be better to wait for mom to pack lunch later this week. So, this morning, I opened the lunch box, picked up the plastic box of cookies and set it inside the lunchbox. I asked Randy if he needed anything else. I did pack a real lunch before he left, even threw an apple in there.

Meredith and I took the dog for a LONG walk this morning. Way longer than I had hoped. When we got back from picking up Randy in the afternoon, we took some bread down to the pond to feed the ducks. About ten Mallard ducks came racing across to see us. They definitely knew why we were there, and came right up to our feet. This freaked Meredith a bit, and I had to hold her. I told her to throw the bread out a bit, and they would back up. She responded by dropping bits of bread ON MY TOES! Randy was a few feet to my side and had managed to get himself surrounded. He did not like this at all. He kept backing up, and they would move in on him. He got nervous and started yelling at them. After all the bread was gone, the ducks waddled back to the water a few yards away. We sat on the grass to watch them, and they all came back to us. I told Randy to sit still and they would leave him alone, but he was too nervous.

I'm looking for the newly announced dark chocolate m&ms. If you know where to get these, please let me know. I have checked Walmart twice, and Ingles (grocery).

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