Monday, May 21, 2007

Pee Test

Are we going to have a boy or a girl? Watch this video to find out.


Speed Seeker said...

LMAO...That was great! Now to see if that theory works...hehe

Tammy said...

Never heard that one. Have you done the wine cork test yet? Attach it to a thread and hold it over the pregnant womans tummy. If it makes a circle it is a girl, a straight line in any direction is a boy. Somebody witha pretty steady hand should hold it. Are you gonna find out from the Dr.?

Anonymous said...

WOW! Highly accurate i'm sure. Who needs ultrasounds anymore. Dont waste your money. After all you are guarunted a girl...or are you?

rakethetable said...

Not sure I really wanted to see all that. However, I will be interested in finding out the results.

Farm Girl in MD said...

can't say I've heard of that test. I consider myself fully enlightened now that I have watched the video :)

One Scrappy Gal said...

No fair! I'm deaf! What was being said??

Duck Hunter said...

Scrappy- sorry.
Combining Drano Crystals with urine from a preg woman will cause a chemical reaction. The color of the reaction will reveal the sex of the baby. So they say.

Cari's pee turned the mixture a greenish color meaning we will have a girl.

Then to test it further, I mixed the Drano with my pee. No reaction. That must mean I am not preg.

Tammy- yeah, we will find out when that time comes.

Miranda said...

This is the awesomest thing ever. I can't wait until the day I can try it.