Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Diablo Maximus!

Hurricane names are too friendly.
Some of the hurricane names for 2005 are (were) Cindy, Katrina, Maria, Stan, Tammy, Wilma, Dennis, and Gert. These names do not clearly portray a deadly storm. If I were to live in a coastal area and you told me that hurricane Maria was headed right for me, I would say, "ok.". Hurricane Maria? Ha!

I think that these harmless sounding names are affecting the safety of people. Seriously, I would NOT evacuate for hurricane Gert. What the hell kind of name is Gert? Gert is not going to even blow a shingle off of my house.

Here is the solution I want to propose.

Give storms scarier names. Tell people that Hurricane Diablo Maximus is headed straight for them and they will evacuate two states inland. There would be chaos. People running in the streets, "Run for your lives, Diablo Maximus is coming!!"
The guy on channel two would stand in front of his map tracking Death Storm 2005!

Now, to prevent a wimpy small hurricane from achieving such a prestigious name, rules would have to be implemented. Storms that do not reach above category 2 would not be named with the "scary name" system. That rule would help cut down on false alarms.

But for now, we still use the "friendly aunt/uncle" naming system. I'll tell you, if they ever use my name, I hope it's one heck of a storm.

1 comment:

John said...

Nah, then it would just be Death Storm 2005-27. Dashes always just kill the fear portion. Now if CNN gave each one a brooding, ominous theme . . .